Instructor of Business Administration (9-month)

Instructor of Business Administration (9-month)


Wilkes Community College
1328 South Collegiate Drive
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Phone: 336-838-6100

Job Location

Wilkes (main) Campus will be the primary teaching location, but instructors may be assigned teaching duties at any of our campuses (Wilkes Campus, Ashe Campus, or the Alleghany Center) as needed.


Salary Range $47,213 to $55,000 (9 months) based on education and experience in accordance with the college salary plan.



Job Category

  • Instructional (Faculty)

Application Period

Opens: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Closes: Friday, May 17, 2024

Target Start Date

Monday, August 12, 2024

Expected Work Hours

Full-time 9-month

Reports to

The full-time Instructor reports directly to the Department Chairperson or Dean of the Division and works in concert with the Lead Instructor of the discipline.

Employment Type

Full-time, 9-month

Minimum Qualifications

  • A master’s degree in business or related discipline with at least 18 graduate hours from a regionally accredited college or university. 
  • Must be willing to teach on any WCC (Wilkes Community College) campus, in local high schools, and online. 

Preferred Qualifications

  • Preferred accounting graduate-level courses and at least 3 years of professional work or teaching experience. 

Position Description

An instructor’s primary responsibility is to maintain excellence in instructing students in his/her curriculum subject with the express goal of attaining certain student learning outcomes. In addition to the primary responsibility, Instructors are required to mentor students toward degree/program completion. The full-time Instructor completes various classroom administrative duties as well as duties to satisfy the goals and objectives of WCC including committee service and professional development. A reasonable and equitable teaching load will be agreed upon by the Instructor and the Departmental Chairperson (in concert with the division dean) and will include various kinds of responsibilities such as traditional classroom instruction, distance education instruction, academic advising, professional development, curriculum development and administrative duties related to these responsibilities.
 Wilkes (main) Campus will be the primary teaching location, but instructors may be assigned teaching duties at any of our campuses (Wilkes Campus, Ashe Campus, or the Alleghany Center) as needed.

The full-time Instructor reports directly to the Department Chairperson or Dean of the Division and works in concert with the Lead Instructor of the discipline.


Instructor’s duties include:

  1. Plan, create, and maintain a classroom environment conducive to student learning.
  2. Encourage the development of Critical Thinking skills through appropriate classroom exercises and assignments.
  3. Maintain a high level of currency in the discipline and incorporate innovative and creative instructional techniques in the classroom.
  4. Collaborate with the Lead Instructor in the creation of syllabi; the establishment of objectives, competencies, and assessments; and the selection of textbooks, periodicals, and other resources.
  5. Advise/Mentor students toward completion of program, diploma, or degree goals and assist students with job placement or college transfer.
  6. Participate in program and general education outcomes assessment and assist with the development and implementation of improvement plans.
  7. Responsible for administrative aspects of FTE reports, end-of-semester reports, grades, and other required reports, and doing so promptly.
  8. Communicate with students and administration through the technological framework provided by WCC including posting syllabi for all sections of all courses to the campus web portal, and regularly checking and responding to e-mails sent to the instructor via the campus web portal and messages sent to the college e-mail/voicemail/telephone service.
  9. Maintain one office hour per course up to five per week (generally one per day), posted on the office door and updated by semester on the campus web portal, at times that are convenient for student contact, and which do not interfere with the college’s regular meeting times.
  10. Refer students, as appropriate, to student support areas of WCC including Counseling and/or Student Support Services, the Academic Support Center, the Learning Resources Center, Student Services, the Writing Center, etc.
  11. Attend commencement exercises, committee and task force meetings, and faculty meetings as scheduled.
  12. Fulfill other responsibilities as assigned by the Lead Instructor, Departmental Chairperson, Dean of Division, or Vice President of Instruction. 

How to Apply

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Job Post Contact

Sherry Cox